Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obama.....lead, follow, or get out of the way in Afghanistan!

In the one month since Gen. McChrystal asked Obama for more troops in Afghanistan, 43 Americans have lost their lives. It is outrageous for a commander in chief to ignore a theater commander like this. But Obama has more important things to worry about than Americans dying in God-forsaken, poppy fields half way around the world, fighting a war we'll likely not win. He's got his left base to appease.....the radical, peace-at-any-cost cowards who got him elected. The administration is hemorrhaging support over its disastrous domestic agenda and the last group they want to alienate is the anti-war peaceniks.....who he'll lose of he sends more troops to Afghanistan.

Look, I'm about as skeptical as anybody about the likelihood of successful nation-building in a country without a functing government and partially controlled by the Taliban and drug lords. I'm almost to the point of saying we should stop sacrificing Americans' lives in places where it does no good and come home, but if Obama is unwilling to pull out then he should support totally, the war effort there. Leaving McChrystal high and dry while our boys die is unforgivable!

I think this shows just what an amateur Obama is and what weak, panty-waste's he's surrounded himself with. These people are worse than the Clintons in terms of politicizing every single breath Obama takes. He can be political about the domestic stuff but, lives are being lost over there.....DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!! Be a leader or be a follower but, Obama can't just stand around waiting for the Afghanistan problem to go away.

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