Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hollywood circles the wagons on Polanski's behalf

UPDATE on the Hollywood defense being mounted on behalf of the degenerate child molester, Roman Polanski. In case you don't know, he's a famous Hollywood director who, in 1978, drugged and repeatedly molested a 13 year old girl, whom he was photographing in Jack Nicholson's house. Polanski was 44 at the time.

You may also remember that Sharon Tate, who was murdered by the Manson gang, was Polanski's pregnant wife at the time of her murder.

Today, Sharon's sister, is claiming that the rape by Polanski of the 13 year old was actually consensual sex. I assume she said this with a straight face. But a 13 year old cannot consent to anything, certainly not to having sex with a dirty, old pervert. To Hollywood reprobates, any, and I mean ANY kind of sex is not only OK but, encouraged, especially if you're a depraved, tortured artist. The more perverted and disgusting your sex acts, the more artistic you become in their eyes. One need look no further than prime-time TV to see that anonymous hookups, infidelity, and children having sex is all the rage in Hollywood.

Look for more shameless celebrities to argue against the extradition of Polanski from Switzerland, to face sentencing for his crimes, on the grounds that he's a talented artist and should be given special latitude given his cinematic contributions, kind of the way the media gave Ted Kennedy special latitude regarding the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, because of his support of health-care reform.

Stupid, depraved liberals....I swear!

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