Monday, September 21, 2009

The HopeyChange bus claims another victim

When it comes to protecting Obama politically, literally nobody is safe from the wheels of the HopeyChange bus, not even one of only two black state governors....

NEW YORK, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Embattled New York Governor David Paterson said on Sunday he was still running for office, in the face of reports that President Barack Obama had asked him to withdraw from the 2010 race for fear that he cannot regroup from a series of political setbacks.

The word on the street is that Obama(read Rahm Emanual) is worried that Rudi Guiliani will obliterate Patterson in the NY governor's race, giving him a high-profile launching pad from which to challenge Obama in 2012 or 2016. Plus, a strong republican governor in NY will weaken that state's democrat delegation to Washington and serve to check them in the state legislature. To keep Rudi out of the governor's office, the Obama administration wants democrat and friend-of-Obama, Anrdrew Cuomo, to run in place of Patterson, so they asked Patterson to not run at all.

I wonder what black activists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will have to say about the administration forcing a black governor out, in favor of a rich, white guy? My guess is you'll hear nothing but chirping crickets, as rank-and-file black democrats will keep quiet so as to not upset the HopeyChange apple-cart.


  1. Have you noticed Al and Jesse have been oddly quiet of late, period?

  2. Angie, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that they've been "asked" to keep their pie-holes shut because their incessant race baiting makes the first black CiC look bad. But, you are right, they've fallen off the map.
