Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Biting the hand that feeds you

This is how stupid and clueless professional athletes can be....

Linebacker Robert Henson has yet to play in a regular-season game for the Redskins, yet he drew plenty of attention from veteran teammates and coach Jim Zorn on Monday after tweeting about the home crowd at Washington's 9-7 victory over St. Louis.

Fans booed during and after the game.

Following the victory, Henson tweeted: "All you fake half hearted Skins fan can .. I won't go there but I dislike you very strongly, don't come to Fed Ex to boo dim wits!!"

He also wrote: "The question is who are you to say you know what's best for the team and you work 9 to 5 at McDonald's."

Does Mr. Henson not realize the source of his absurd rookie salary IS the fans who he's calling dimwits? Tickets to NFL games run between $50-$100 for basic seats. It would be a month's car payment or a month's rent to take even a small family to a game. If you play like crap, they have a right to boo your awfulness. Hopefully, some maturity and restraint of the team veterans will rub off but, I predict that in a year or two, he'll be found with drugs or guns or something embarrassing that'll get him drummed out of the NFL, and we won't hear from him again until he gets busted dealing drugs to homeless dudes under a Dallas bridge. Guys with as little sense as Mr. Henson can't handle the responsibility of fame, freedom, unimaginable wealth, and influences of dingleberry friends that'll get him in trouble.

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