Thursday, August 13, 2009

The World Needs Ditch Diggers Too

"The biggest waste of Prime Real Estate is golf Courses and Cemeteries". Words spoken by Al Czervik, Rodney Dangerfield's character in the movie. Of course he wanted the Bushwood Country Club property to put condos on. I just didn't know that "Al" was now president of Venezuela. Hugo "al" Chavez has just gone on a tirade about the countries few public golf courses. He espouses that golf is a "bourgeois sport" and that carts are used it promotes laziness.

Hugo's real motive is to get people off their electric carts and into a gas guzzler to line his pockets more. What a buffoon. Hugo focus on some real issues, like repairing your relationship with your potentially best customer - the USA, instead of sticking us in the ribs with a direct attack on our leisure activities. You are a thug. By the way, I can't figure out if Murray or the gopher are portraying Chavez.

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