Thursday, August 13, 2009


How do we get ourselves into these situations? Last year the University of Illinois Medical Center (in Chicago) ran a study on/for kidney intel. As part of the study participants get a transplant, if needed and/or 1 year of free medications. One participant was Omar Castillo. Senor Castillo is an illegal alien and homeless. He is now pushing his grocery cart around selling snacks in an effort to scrape out a living. His freebie meds run out imminently. Activists are upset that they will not be continued. According to them, it is immoral for this country not to give him free medicine regardless of his status. Once again the left wing activists are wrong.
It is not only moral to save treatment and meds for a citizen, it is the right thing to do. I don't know how Omar was allowed to participate in the study in the first place, but setting that aside, he should simply be returned to his country of origin (Mexico in this case). Upon regaining his strength he can once again ford the Rio Grande and re-enter this country illegally and waste more taxpayer money.
I am empathetic with his status and his plight, but do not feel compelled to continue to sacrifice our materials for this man. If he were home he would have died without any help. At least he can say he lived longer than he could have. By the way, he was born with the defective kidney. That means he brought it with him when he "jumped the fence " to our side.

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