Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Women harming women

To her credit, Kelly Clarkson has been very public about her self-image regarding her body. She's proud not to be the waifish stereotype of most celebrity women. Well, SELF magazine recently interviewed her about this very thing but, their airbrushing department apparently didn't agree with Kelly's image. Here's Kelly as she actually looks....

And here is her cover shot for SELF. Man, that is some serious air-brushing. I wonder if KC had editorial rights to what picture they used?

Here's the thing that always amazes me about the women's' fashion and cosmetic industries: they whine about chauvinist men and how they can't measure up to OUR notions of perfection but, it is they who promote these highly idealized, totally unattainable images of women and never, never show women as they actually look in reality. It is the women's industries who claim to promote women's issues of self-determination, empowerment, health, and positive self-image yet present their female readers with phony, airbrushed images of perfection that no woman can achieve. I accuse women, and absolve men, of causing the thousand-fold increase in unnecessary cosmetic surgeries. You women who publish magazines like SELF are to blame!!!

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