Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Its Your Choice.. Welll Kind Of....

Her we are at a major crossroads (pardon the pun) in life. We as consumers get to start choosing from this vapid piece of Chevy junk ( some electric car that 230 MPG) or the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport( this has 1001 HP). Now our leaders are telling us that we should move towards the Chevy unit in order to save the planet, while most of us would truly choose the other option. Only because it is the worlds fastest car, with or without its top. But it burns gas out the wazoo. It weighs some 4000 odd lb's. Oh where to go and what to do? Questions abound. For example, why does an electric car have any MPG figure? If it is electric shouldn't we be concerned about battery life in terms of usage hours and recharge-ability? I just don't understand the quest to eliminate oil products when we have a large storage facility within easy access in the northwest of this continent. Move in and let the elk and the rest of the animals adapt, just like they have always done. But no, we must create a new product at the cost of millions to the taxpayers to fight a fight we should be avoiding or at best postponing. Oh well what do you think?

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