Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Goodbye Ted

Ted Kennedy died today of a brain tumor. I have always been politically opposed to Mr. K, and have commented many times on how poor life must have been having to live with the Chappaquiddick lies. Regardless he is dead and he will be missed. He will be missed as the longest standing Senate member: he will be missed as the longest public servant for Massachusetts: he will be missed as a patriarch of a prominent American family.
He will be missed by the many conservative minds he has managed to bum-fuzzle through the years. This man withstood many outlandish things within his family, and always managed to come out with his skirt clean. While apparently less problematic than his 2 brothers, he did carry the Kennedy banner. I have never understood the "Kennedy Fascination" but many Americans are bound by it and to it. Lets see how the next generation of Kennedy's do. Will they help this country or will they continue past legacies and shape it to their benefit.
Ted is gone, regardless. It is sad for the family. I hope the remnants in the Kennedy compound can get through these tough days.

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