Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Don't believe the hype from the democrats or the media

You know the 47million, being the number of uninsured Americans, Obama keeps scaring everybody with? Well, just as I suspected, as with everything else the democrats try to sneak by us, it's a gross exaggeration. Over at Linkiest, John has a link to a Hotair post in which the break-down of the real number is shown. Predictably, if Obamacare passes, we'll be paying for the health-care insurance of the 12million illegals plus 15-20million people who make far above the average income of Americans and who should be buying their own coverage but, choose not to.

It turns out that there might be 14million who genuinely cannot afford health insurance but who for whatever reason fail to qualify for Medicaid, Medicare, or Tricare.

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