Thursday, July 30, 2009

With infantile obtuseness, Dan Rather laments the decline of the mainstream media and pleads with his personal lord and savior Obama, for a bailout...

Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather called on President Barack Obama to form a White House commission to help save the press Tuesday night in an impassioned speech at the Aspen Institute.

“I personally encourage the president to establish a White House commission on public media,” the legendary newsman said.

Such a commission on media reform, Rather said, ought to make recommendations on saving journalism jobs and creating new business models to keep news organizations alive.

At stake, he argued, is the very survival of American democracy.

He's right that the republic is at stake but, the answer to saving the dinosaur media is simple...stop with the advocacy reporting, leg tingling, and heavy breathing whenever a liberal speaks and report the news in an even handed manner, and Americans will start consuming your product again. The news business is like any other private industry, you compete for consumers or you go out of business. The main-stream media decided to choose sides in their reporting decades ago and consumers of news quit reading their liberal propaganda. Now they want money taken from the same people who don't consume their news to bail them out of insolvency...incredible!

It is hilariously ironic that Dan himself gave us what is perhaps the worst example of advocacy journalism when he reported as fact, Bush's phony National Guard record story in the lead up to the '04 election. He wanted badly to destroy Bush and help get Kerry elected. Is this reporting the news, or becoming the news, Dan? I would trust a blogger in his PJ's to deliver fairly-reported news and analysis sooner than I would trust any of the three network anchors.

This image of Dan Rather snuggling up to Fidel Castro is precisely why nobody in the mainstream media can be trusted to deliver the news fairly. They long ago abandoned any pretense of objectivity and became liberal cheerleaders and in effect, the propaganda wing for the democrat party. This is why they are going out of business and I couldn't care less!


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