Thursday, July 30, 2009

How far the mighty have fallen!

Life in the ridiculous nanny-state we used to call the UK, just keeps getting stupider and stupider...

Swimmers at a council pool have been banned from doing lengths for health and safety reasons.
They have been told they may only swim across the width of the pool as it makes it easier for lifeguards to ensure their safety.

I guess we can forget about England's Olympic swim team in 2012 being able to compete in the big-boy pool.


  1. Bring back the freakin' diving boards! Or diving (off the side) for that matter. The pool rules at my neighborhood pool number at leat 47 and are attempting to outlaw everything fun about a pool. What a joke. I've lamented on the anti-diving rules for some time but with all these rules I'd rather stay home or go to the lake where I can dive if I want to.

  2. My 15yo came home from the Park-and-Rec pool complaining that he got yelled at by the lifeguard for jumping into the pool holding a rubber ball. Apparently that's no allowed because when you force a ball under water, it can come back up and hit you in the mouth. I find that hilarious....I guess the lifeguards don't.
