Tuesday, July 14, 2009

TOTUS commits suicide...RIP!

Sick of the lying, obfuscation, and broken promises of which it was forced to be a part by Obama, TOTUS(Teleprompter of the United States) took the only way out and committed it's final betrayal by throwing itself on the floor during it's master's press conference....

Remember during the Clinton years, Vince Foster "committed suicide" in a park in DC? Hillary immediately rifled through his office to hide any incriminating documents and any investigation into his very suspicious death was squashed by the Clinton machine. Well, I wonder who was dispatched to rifle through TOTUS's office in the West Wing? Who will deep-six the investigation into the highly questionable "suicide" of TOTUS? Did it know too much? Had it betrayed Obama one too many times? We'll probably never know.

1 comment:

  1. It had no choice - it couldn't handle the lies it was being force-fed and forced to regurgitate anymore.
