Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Obama to dictate where we live now

Not satisfied with seizing control of every other facet of life in America, Barack Obama now has his sights set on reversing, by government fiat, urban sprawl, as if the productive class intentionally abandoned the shiftless class in the inner city....

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said Monday that federal policy has encouraged urban sprawl, has hurt city residents and damaged the environment.

Pledging a top-to-bottom review of how the United States deals with cities and metropolitan areas, Obama invited political leaders and policy experts to the White House to solicit their ideas for a national urban policy. Citing the connection between education and employment figures, transportation and pollution, White House officials said their next budget proposal would address how to remedy long-festering policy questions about the pace of urban growth.

I thought this was a free country. Or at least it used to be. People may live where ever they chose, if they can afford it. If BO wants to slow the rate of urban blight and decay and lure wealthy people back to the city, how about lowering taxes on small businesses and individuals? How about cleaning up the drug dealers, hoodlums,and prostitutes that litter every urban neighborhood? How about creating an economic environment in which businesses can thrive?

But even if Obama can get city mayors to do all these things and get rid of crime, the fact remains, that people with means, like owning homes with yards and some land, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. While it's true, you could lure some Yuppies and DINKS back to the city with economic bait but, there's a limited number of those in every metropolitan area.

I imagine that, rather than lure people with economic incentives, Obama will propose an urban-sprawl tax on the productive people who work in the cities but, who refuse to live there. His redistributive instincts are legendary and any opportunity to take from the achievers and give to the loafers will not go to waste. He'll use class, wealth, and race warfare to advance his urban renewal agenda. And ACORN will be the recipient of all that tax money.

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