Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's Obama who acted stupidly

I'm sure you've all heard about the Harvard professor and friend of Obama, who got arrested for disorderly conduct after Cambridge police responded to a 911, possible-robbery call at his house, into which he and his driver had broken because he lost his keys. Here's Obama answering a staged question about it during his Health Care sell...

First, how can he say that he doesn't have the facts but, then say the cops acted stupidly? Regardless of whether the guy was in his own house, if he then acted disorderly, he deserves to get arrested. And for Obama to wedge this issue into the health-care press conference just came across as weird.
And second, why stage a question? Why not just come out and say that you want to comment on the arrest of your friend? Why bother to create the charade of having a reporterette pretend to ask a question for which you've already arranged? It's Kabuki theater at it's most ridiculous, and the servile media pretend that it's not happening right in front of their face.
Finally, if the cops respond to a 911 call about two guys breaking into a house, is that racial profiling as the professor accused? And if he was conducting himself disorderly, does he not deserve to be arrested whether it's his house or not? Once the misunderstanding had been cleared up, he should have been saying thank-you to the cops for showing up so fast, not accusing them of racism and profiling.

1 comment:

  1. So much for the post-racial Presidency. What's Obama going to do next, wear a "No Snitching" lapel pin?
