Friday, July 24, 2009

The awful mainstream media

Of the 44 politicians and officials that were arrested in New Jersey this week on numerous corruption charges going back many years, all but one of them are democrats but, you'd be hard pressed to find that out listening to the main-stream media. I watched report after report and only the names and offices of the perps were reported. Wolf Blitzer even imagined that it was a bipartisan corruption scandal and said this...

“Dozens of public figures, including mayors, are caught in a stunning corruption sweep. They belong to both major parties.”

Wrong Wolfy, only one belongs to the GOP. This was 97.7% a democrat scandal. If more of the officials had been republicans, their party ID would have been front and center as evidence of rampant corruption within the party. I swear, the media have totally abdicated their responsibility to report the news, instead choosing advocacy "journalism" and outright leftist propagandizing.

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