Monday, July 27, 2009

It's good to be the king!

I don't have a problem with this situation....

Governments are scrambling to buy up hundreds of millions of doses of swine flu vaccine but health experts warn the poor may lose out as wealthy countries corner strictly limited supplies.

The World Health Organisation has unofficially estimated that the world's labs may only be able to produce around 900 million doses for the A(H1N1) strain per year, for a planet that is home to 6.8 billion people.

Let the smarmy bureaucrats at the WHO who mourn the disparity between rich and poor countries' access to medicine, be the first ones to donate their sick children's dose of H1N1 vaccine to Somalia, Rwanda, or some other uninhabitable, God-forsaken wasteland. There's a reason rich countries are rich and their citizens can afford to medicate themselves.....they don't slaughter each other by the millions with machete's, they live by a Constitutional rule of law, they chose to live where food can be grown and water is plentiful, and most of them don't have litters of children they can't afford to feed, house, or clothe, much less medicate. When poor countries learn these simple life-lessons, they'll realize their potential, as capitalism pulls them out of poverty and misery, and they'll become self-sufficient nations too.

A virtual cookie to the first reader who can name the source referenced in the title of this post.


  1. One of my favorite movies: History of the World Part I!!!

    I love that show - never get tired of watching it.

  2. And Angie Lee wins the cookie! Nice job.
