Monday, July 27, 2009

Ford survives the storm

This is great news from the one American car company who declined to accept bailout money from Obama.....

Ford Motor on Thursday posted a surprise profit of $2.26 billion for the second quarter, ending a streak of four straight quarterly losses.

In recent months, the car maker has claimed market share from its American rivals, General Motors and Chrysler, while those companies struggled to restructure their operations in bankruptcy court.

Ford executives now say the automaker is on track to return to annual profitability in 2011.

Ford's sales were buoyed by Americans refusing to buy a Government Motors(GM) or Chrysler product after they took tax-payer money to fund their continued failure as auto makers.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I will never again purchase a GM or Chrysler product. If I buy American, it'll be a Ford precisely because it remains a competitive, private company. And I might even give Ford an extra chance to please me when I may have gone straight to Japanese before.


  1. A lot of folks are feeling this way, and maybe the crap sandwich Bammy called "rescuing" the American automotive industry WILL actually work.... FOR FORD.

    Wouldn't that be a giggle (not from the money flushed down the toilet standpoint, but from the one where Barry used our money to save his union minions and THEY STILL SCREWED THEMSELVES).

    They got too greedy at GM and Chrysler. I have ALWAYS bought GM but never will again.

  2. Angie, I think you reflect what a lot of Americans are thinking, that they won't reward GM and Chrysler by buying their products because it encourages corporate government dependence. And you are right, the irony couldn't be any richer....Obama destroying companies by saving them.

  3. But it's still all BOOOOOOSH's fault. Barry only inherited the mess.
