Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th to TRR readers!

Everybody have a safe and happy 4th! Try not to get distracted by all the other crap in the news today, instead remember the vision our founding fathers had when they declared independence from Great Britain 233 years ago. And then look around and see how far we've drifted from that. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you were obviously "educated" in dreadful government schools where your self-esteem was stroked and the curriculum consisted of idiotic, environmental propaganda and advocacy sex education. You should run, not walk to the book store and pick up copies of Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny, and/or Glenn Beck's book Common Sense, and educate yourself instead of obsessing over 24/7 Michael Jackson TV coverage.

If you are in a different country, then the US is 233 years old today. Very young by most country's standards but well beyond the 200 year average that most democracies last. It's a tentative cross-roads that we approach here in America. Do we turn left and become a 2nd-rate welfare state like most of Europe, or do we turn right and repel the insidious encroachment of government nanny-statism and embrace the ideals of our founding fathers, which include individual responsibility, limited government, personal liberty, and free-market capitalism? Wish us luck in our struggle, for the ripple effect of a weakened America will be felt around the world.

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