Thursday, July 02, 2009

Hapless oaf Robert Gibbs gets schooled....yet again.

Hapless oaf Robert Gibbs is challenged, at long last, by the white house press corps for not allowing open questions but, rather pre-screening questions sent in by e-mail by reporters the night before. Watch Helen Thomas humiliate Gibbs over the transparency and openness that Obama lied to us about......

Finally, the media is getting tired of being treated like school-children by the this administration. Why it took six months is anybody's guess. Both Gibbs and Obama are incapable of forming a lucid thought on the fly, instead requiring writers spoon-feed answers for them to regurgitate or read off the teleprompter. Maybe if they raise a big enough stink, Gibbs and Obama will have no choice but to return to the way presidential press conferences and daily press briefings have always been held in this country....unrehearsed and unscreened. You field the questions as they are asked.


  1. Dude needs to change his name to Summer S. Eve - because he's a douche.

  2. Heh, heh...that's a good one Angie.
