Saturday, May 02, 2009

Obama's words betray his intentions

For liberal Presidents, Supreme Court appointments represent the opportunity to shape the American landscape like no other act as Chief Executive. For liberals, the concept of Constitutional, blind justice has no meaning, for they see courts in general as means by which they can circumvent normal legislative efforts and impose far-left doctrine on the rest of us. This subversion of the Constitutional legislative process is why liberal Presidents like Obama use ridiculous rationalizations for nominating leftist, activist judges. Here's The One on his general philosophy on Supreme appointments.....

"We need somebody who's got the heart to recognize — the empathy to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges."

Heart? Empathy? What the heck to these things have to do with justice under the Constitution?
By contrast, let's see what Chief Justice John Roberts said when asked whether he would favor the little guy...
He replied that if the law favored the little guy he would decide in his favor. But if the law favored the other side (a business, a corporation, a rich man) he would decide in their favor.
That's profound compared to Obama's "empathy and heart" line. Clearly, Obama will be nominating judges who have records of siding with, regardless of the Constitutionality, the usual suspects that comprise the democrats' favored, victim class such as gays, unwed mothers, the poor, immigrants, women, drug addicts, welfare parasites, and above all, blacks. Obama rarely talks about the Constitution when discussing the Supreme Court, and when he does it's just memorized cliche and lip service. His intent is to appoint judges who will implement from the bench, the radical policies that democrats cannot pass legislatively in Congress, because the American people will oppose them. If Obama gets another term in 2012, he'll likely get to appoint three more justices when Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg, Anthony Kennedy, and Steven Breyer retire during that time. Heaven help us.


  1. Obama gets away with this because the media worships him!

    Empathy is not a qualification for the highest legal office! So is BHO going to nominate an ACORN member? or perhaps a community organizer?

  2. for a laugh on Obama worship, you might hit:

  3. Technically BHO can nominate anybody he wishes to the Supreme Court, or any other federal judgeship for that matter. There is no Constitutional requirement that a federal judge be a trained lawyer. That's why Oprah's name has been seriously thrown around as a possible nominee.
