Saturday, May 02, 2009

The media's self-serving hysteria over Swine flu

Here's how stupid all the media-driven hysteria about swine flu has gotten....

A United Airlines flight from Munich to Washington made a two-hour stop at Logan International Airport this afternoon so a female passenger who had complained of flu-like symptoms could be removed and taken to a hospital for treatment.

Local television stations broadcast footage of a woman wearing a blue mask being led off the plane by emergency personnel.

A hospital spokeswoman said the woman had been treated and released from the hospital by late afternoon.

Of course she was released. It's just the flu. Besides, it's only 45 more minutes to DC. What difference in her condition would it have made to go on to DC rather than inconvenience all those trans-Atlantic passengers by diverting to Boston? You would think we were experiencing ebola or bubonic plague if you go by the media's breathless coverage. See, if the media can keep the panic and hysteria going in the public, the ratings remain high as ignorant viewers cling to every flu story for information that affects them. If the average consumer weren't so dumb, the media wouldn't have this sort of manipulative power over us.


Go about your everyday lives and take whatever precautions you would normally take to prevent contraction of any contagious disease, like wash your hands often.

Diverting flights because somebody has the sniffles? How moronic!

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention - DUH - that she's already exposed all the other people on the plane to what she has, flu or not.
