Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It pays(unethically) to be a democrat

If, as a car company, you were going through bankruptcy restructuring, wouldn't you keep the most profitable dealerships and get rid of the unproductive ones? Apparently, Obama has different plans for Chrysler's dealers. There's a rumor going around that the decision on which dealers to close was made based solely on politics rather than productivity. It seems that of the dealerships that were notified that they would be closed, every one of them contributed heavily to GOP candidates. If this is true, it would expose the Obama administration as the craven party zealots they are. First they give control of the company to the union thugs and now they're firing the most productive dealerships and giving the business of selling cars to the least productive, because they are democrat donors.

If this is true, I really hope Chrysler fails completely now. The unprecedented intrusion into markets by this administration is breath-taking in it's hubris and arrogance.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that this is the first step towards the government ownership of auto manufacturers. When that happens, watch out, 'cause the house of cards will already be tumbling around you!
