Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Blindfold Is Being Removed

Posted by Reid

"Lady Justice" as she has been called is currently under attack. She is under attack by the very country that made her great. You see when our judicial system was born, it was created to give all comers a fair trial. Now we all know that not every judicial decision in the history of the country has been right or fair, but the system was never compromised from the head down. Until now!
President Obama has selected Sonia Sotomayor to be his first Supreme Court nominee. He seems to have followed other of his choices of trying to leave a legacy of "firsts" regardless of ability to do the job. Ms. Sotomayor is a poor choice. Based on comments and previous statements she is biased and will discriminate as she makes nation effecting decisions. She stated earlier that she could make a better decision than a white man, because of her life as a Latino woman and the trials that went along with her upbringing. I couldn't disagree more. All she does, in making statements like this, is to show her true value orienting colors and her limited working knowledge of the US Constitution and how it should perform. I assume she will adopt the Thurgood Marshall philosophy of making rules and letting the law catch up.
It appears that this choice of Obama's is geared towards rendering Gay marriage as acceptable (even though recent polls show that over 65% of Americans don't agree) , taking control of the country, and for the promoting of ethnics in lieu of more qualified white counterparts, at the country's expense.
I don't know what other options Mr. Obama had, but I have to believe that there is someone more qualified and less controversial than she.
The blindfold is coming off, and justice now looks down its biased and racial nose at those it was set to protect. Sex, race, and position in life should always be outside of a judicial decision, not the reason for it. Our new world will be much different. If similar nominees follow, the court will effect lives for generations to come. What's next, shortening her dress or making her look less "white"? When will the madness stop? When will the constituency stand up and realize it is being played for a fool? How far can we let everything go before we take a stand? I don't know, but feel that it better be sooner than later or maybe later won't get here, ever.

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