Wednesday, April 01, 2009

What's in Ed's CD Player?

With the economy in shambles, rampant unemployment, federal seizures of private industry and government power-grabs left and right, and the inexplicable but persistent popularity of MTV's TheRealWorld--Season 22,....essentially a general devolution and collapse of the American way of life, it would be a nice break in the day to have some decent tunes to zone out to. Well, I have just the thing for you. Here's what I've been listening to lately....

Old 97's


The Shins

Good Charlotte

Bloc Party

The Killers

The Decemberists

Uncle Tupelo

Now I know what you're thinking, that this is the most eclectic hodge-podge of tunes I've ever listed. Well, you'd be right. There's some text-book alternative, some standard rock, plus a smattering of rock-country thrown in. If you're tired of being told what to listen to on the radio by a pencil-necked, record-company toadie, then check out my collection.

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