Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Norks threaten the US military....heh, heh

With the launch of it's "communications satellite" looming, the US, South Korea, and Japan prepare by flexing their collective military muscle. With that in mind, check out this parody of a quote from the Norks....

"If the brigandish U.S. imperialists dare to infiltrate spy planes into our airspace to interfere with our peaceful satellite launch preparations, our revolutionary armed forces will mercilessly shoot them down,"

Now it might actually be a communications satellite, and not a transparently obvious weapons test like we suspect but, why do the Norks need a communications satellite when it's people are starving to the point of eating grass like animals? When you don't own telephones, radios, or TV's, why do you need a communications satellite?

I hope they do shoot something at our spy planes. It would be fun watching the gun-camera video clips of the destruction that follows on Youtube the next day.

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