Tuesday, April 07, 2009

A weak and vulnerable America.....Change we can be afraid of

On the same day that deranged gargoyle Kim Jong-Il of North Korea tested a long-range, warhead-capable missile in the Pacific and nuclear Iran's Ima-Dinnerjacket publically imagined a world without Israel and the US, we get this disturbing news from the Hope-n-Change crowd....

President Barack Obama wants to slash a critical national security program -- missile defense -- by $1.4 billion while offering as much as $13.8 billion to ACORN.

ACORN is perhaps the most corrupt political orgainzation operating in the US right now. They are guilty of thousands of cases of blatant voter fraud, intimidation, and other election and housing crimes, yet Obama wants them to be intimately involved in the 2010 census and is showering them with billions of money seized from taxpayers. At the same time, he's slashing critical defense projects. The timing of this sends a clear message to our enemies like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela that we are weak and unwilling to stand up to them. The western hemisphere may get awfully interesting in the next few years as the axes of evil flex their muscle to see how far they can push Obama.

Every day Obama proves that he's just an inexperienced, deluded adolescent with the right skin color but, without the slightest grasp of the weight and seriousness of his job.

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