Tuesday, April 07, 2009

GM builds a car for metrosexuals

With my sincerest apologies to gays, this is the gayest thing I've seen since the volleyball scene in TopGun...

Obama seizes control of General Motors and within a week they've abandoned SUV's and trucks and are now offering this contraption that you could find at any high-school science fair, and passing it off as the personal vehicle of the eco-conscious, urban beta-male of the near future.

You see folks, this is what happens when government busy-bodies who have no working knowledge of capitalism, meddle in the free markets: a failed car company hemmoraging taxpayer money, that abandons the only profitable product it makes, while being forced by politicians to sell stupid, politically-correct death traps to people who don't want them.

It's Obamanomics baby!


  1. As far as safety, probably not much different than a motorcycle - just gay-er. ;-)

  2. From the folks that brought you the Pontiac Aztec and the Chevy Citation. Nothing surprises me!

  3. Leaving it to your imagination:

    Deathtrap versus MTA bus (like one of those in the background).

    The wheels on the bus go round and round....

  4. Right you are Angie. The only way this idiocy works is if every single person drives one. But then, what about the weather?

    I might see them allowing these things on otherwise closed to traffic college campuses. But seriously, on a city street with buses, cabs, and texting motorists in cars?

  5. I'd like to know what their plans are for this thing - really. If we are intended to be forced from our gasoline-powered vehicles, how are they planning to accommodate "breeders" like me with 6 kids? (And I'm one of those lunatic breeders that does NOT collect welfare benefits, so the "state" surely won't be buying me one at taxpayer expense, although I am quite sure I'll be helping to foot the bill for a bunch who DO.)

    They gonna make me put a lawnmower cart on the back to transport my kids in? Maybe make them walk, or maybe I just need to stay home, huh? And what about shopping?

    A big part of me sure hopes this is just another sick, sad joke... waiting for the "April Fools!" but hearing nothing but crickets...
