Friday, April 03, 2009

To dumb, self-involved celebrities, kids are just fashionable accessories

You'd think that at some point, the fad of the week among vapid, Hollywood nitwits, adopting black children from foreign countries as if they were accessories by Prada or something, would end and they would glom on to some other stupid group habit like "going green" or refusing to immunize their children....oh wait, they already do those stupid things.

Madonna seems to be in need of a new child, not her own, every time an album fails to sell or she needs some attention. Thankfully a wise judge in Malawi has put a stop to her narcissistic self-indulgences....

A judge has rejected Madonna's request to adopt a second child from Malawi because of a requirement that prospective parents live in the southern African nation for at least 18 months, another judge and a lawyer said Friday.

Madonna is so yesterday it isn't funny and she should go get over herself already.

1 comment:

  1. I have mixed feelings about this. I can't stand Madonna so I experience schadenfreude whenever she gets in a bad mood.

    But on the other hand, you would think that a country where everyone dies before the age of 60 of AIDS, malaria or the bubonic plague would be happy to see any of their kind get to a civilized nation.
