Friday, April 03, 2009

Obama embarrasses himself and his country

With simple protocol gestures, the Obama's signal where their true loyalties lie.
WARNING: You might want to grab a vomit bucket for this....

It is generally customary for a woman to curtsey when addressing the Queen of England but, it isn't required, obviously. Many wives of Americans choose to curtsey in recongnition of the special relationship the US shares with our mother country. Michelle Obama refused to curtsey and elected to simply shake hands, which is fine.

On the other hand, President Obama did what no other American President has done, and which is expressley forbidden by protocol, which is to bow to another foreign head of state, even if he is called this case the King of Saudi Arabia. The diplomatic implication of that, is that American interests are subservient to the interests of that person's interests for his country.

These two breeches of protocol, which will be ignored or even celebrated by the subversive American media, signal with whom the Obama administration is aligned.


  1. European press in particular will hail this as a New American Willingness to work with the international community.

    Most Americans look at this and are (again) embarrassed at the clown we elected President. Did he give the King a bottle of Jack Daniels or a pack of smokes?

  2. I have never seen a bigger ass kisser. He is a flippin' idiot to think his brown nosing will make people like Americans.

  3. You all are correct. Not only will the feckless media celebrate his ass kissing, the heads of state whose asses he's kissing are laughing at him behind his back, joking about how weak, stupid, and blind America is.
