Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time to clean the GOP house?

Over at Michelle Malkin's site, I read a comment from a reader regarding why the republicans in DC were oddly silent when it was revealed yesterday that DHS was officially targeting garden-variety conservatives as dangerous subversives for innocuous "crimes" like resisting the usurpation of states' authority by the federal government, opposing open-borders immigration policy, and favoring limits on abortion. I think she struck a common chord with disgruntled conservatives who're attending these tea parties.....

"Absolutely! Where was the GOP today when we found out that Napolitano is spying on us bible-toting, gun-clinging right wingers? Silent. Deafening silence. They have no backbone in the GOP anymore, and it’s why I registered Libertarian earlier this year."

I think comments like these should put incumbent republicans on notice that they had better be standing up for conservatism from now on or risk losing seats to other GOP candidates or candidates from the libertarian party. Hopefully if nothing else comes from these tea parties, that'll be the take-home message for GOP politicians.


  1. I don't this the TEA party will do the trick if the past several elections haven't gotten the point across.
    I guess I still consider myself a republican, but I decided back in Novemember that I won't vote for them until they start to better represent conservatism. If John McCain is the best the GOP can come up with, then I'm a little skeptical about any about face.
