Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Figures.....Al Sharpton defends the pirates

You knew it was just a matter of time before a moronic liberal cast the Somali pirates in a sympathetic light, probably having to do with socio-economic status, race, or their Muslim "religion". Always front and center, Al Sharpton sort of defended the pirates two days ago on his radio show saying this...

"You can call me now at 1 877 532 5797, (to say) something about the so-called pirates. They call themselves voluntary Coast Guards in Somalia, which may be more apt. Ah, whatever your view."

Any thug, criminal, terrorist, or dictator who deservedly ends up dead at the hands of the US military automatically earns revered status with liberals since liberals hate the US military. You wait, Al will claim at some point that if the pirates had been white Christians instead of black Muslims, the SEAL snipers would not have shot them.

Dispicable liberals will align themselves with literally anybody, regardless of how evil, if they can use them to discredit the military, who they see as arms of conservatives.

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