Thursday, April 30, 2009

This is why CNN is losing money

If you are dying to lose 30 IQ points or so, watch this CNN clip as stupid, white anchoress Kyra Phillips tries to "go gangsta" by using terms to describe The One as having "swagga" and "flava". You might want to grab a trash can for this if you've eaten recently....

You don't see Melissa Rivers drooling and sucking up this much to celebrity twits on the red carpet at the Oscars. It's absurd!

As embarassing as it is to watch, I laughed at T.J. Holmes when even he rolled his eyes at the fist bump at the end of the whole idiotic segment. It's no wonder CNN's ratings are in the tank. Even the most moronic Obama supporter has to say "enough" at some point.

Even the Huffington Post called it CNN's most embarassing ever.

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