Thursday, April 30, 2009

Joe Biden....a one-man catastrophe

Vice President Gafftastic never fails to say something stupid....

Speaking on NBC's "Today," Biden, a longtime Amtrak rider who has commuted for decades daily from Delaware to Washington, D.C., said he wouldn't advise family necessarily against going to Mexico, the source of the H1N1 outbreak, but he wouldn't tell them to get into any small area like a subway car, automobile, classroom or airplane.

He's advising people to avoid basically every mode of travel we have. How are we supposed to get around? Bicycles? This irresponsible fear-mongering will likely cost the already struggling airlines millions. The reports out of Mexico are already saying that the H1N1 strain is less deadly than the flu that kills tens of thousands every single year. Joe Biden, and his boss for that matter, seem to have no inkling of the gravity of their offices, and therefor their words. When they were inconsequential back-benchers in Congress, they could say crazy, irresponsible things and nobody paid attention. They can't do that now.

1 comment:

  1. What a friggin' moron. The CDC should issue a warning to citizens not to travel in any confined spaces with Joe Biden.
