Monday, April 06, 2009

No matter what we do, it's not enough

Over on Drudge, the headline about the earthquake in Italy reads...

USA gives $50,000?

Notice the question mark. Is somebody complaining that we aren't doing enough? By contrast here's the official tally of aid that Italy sent to the US after Katrina....

Italy has offered to send two Hercules C130 cargo jets fitted with emergency aids, including 300 Adult camp beds, 300 blankets, 600 sheets, 1 suction pump, 6 lifecrafts, 11.200 chlorine tablets, 5 units of large first aid kits, baby food formula pumps, tents and power generators. Italy has also offered to send some experts of the Protezione Civile to help coordinating relief efforts in the damaged area.

Are you kidding me? This looks like a packing list for a weekend Boyscout camping trip. I could stroll into any Academy Sports and buy all this crap with my credit card. Now I'm not suggesting that we couldn't do more to help Italy with relief but, what's wrong with 50-large?

I wonder if the Obama suck-ups in the media will villify Obama for not doing more the way they did Bush for not doing enough after the tsunami, even though the US gave millions in aid more than anybody else?

I won't be holding my breath for that.

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