Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Mexicans welcome in US, but not Canadians

I'm sure you've heard by now about this Canadian national who stole this Cessna 172 and flew it across the US border, chased by two F-16's, and finally landed it on a road in Missouri. Comically, the cops have charged him with among other things, "Unlawful Entry into the United States".

So let me see if I understand this correctly, if you're Canadian and you sneak across the border, we'll charge you with an immigration crime because apparently, unless you are a comedian or a member of Rush, we really, really don't like Canadians. But if you are Mexican and you sneak across the border by the tens of thousands, with nothing to offer but leaf-blowing services and neediness, we literally throw bags of fabulous cash and prizes at you?

Man, it would suck to be Canadian right about now.

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