Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Liberalism at it's stupidest

The government is guilty of spending taxpayer money on all manner of stupid schemes to buy votes but, this program pretty much stands alone in the long and embarassing annals of liberal idiocy....

NEW YORK (AP) -- The city's experimental anti-poverty program that pays poor New Yorkers for good behavior like seeing the doctor and attending parent-teacher conferences handed out an average of $3,000 per family in its first year.

The program pays poor families rewards, known as conditional cash transfers, for completing tasks like seeing a doctor ($200), attending parent-teacher conferences ($25) or getting health insurance ($40).

What kind of stupid cretins need to be paid to see a doctor? Or be involved with their kids? Or insure themselves?

Answer: garden-variety Obama voters, that's who.

I see my doctor. I attend teacher conferences. I have health insurance. Where's my gov't check?

Should we as a society be bribing the stupid idiots among us to exhibit the most basic of human behavior? If they don't go to the doctor, they'll rightfully die off....hopefully before they breed and create more stupid people.

This is a perfect microcosm of the mortgage, banking, and auto industries. If we prop up failure, we get more failures. If we let them die, the successful remain to fill the void.

Getting paid to see the doctor.....what a scam!


  1. Hey Sweet! This is a great idea. How about if we paid them to do work?

  2. What amazes me, is that these are the exact people the Obamas of the country pander to: The very ones who should not be allowed to vote in a "democratic" society.

    If they refuse to contribute, why should they be allowed to force the hand of those of us who do, making us pay our own way and theirs as well?

  3. Excellent points, both of you.
