Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Abu Ghraib sounds like a picnic compared to hell-week at U. Nebraska

I have a lot of friends who were in fraternities in college and they seem to have made life-long friends and worth-while business contacts from the experience. That said, are those things worth putting up with this?

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Tuesday suspended Sigma Chi fraternity after newly unsealed court documents detailed a series of alleged hazing incidents, including one in which a stripper allegedly used a vibrator to anally penetrate a fraternity pledge during an initiation party.

He said pledges were, among other things, verbally assaulted in what was billed as a “character-building” activity and forced to drink shots of Tabasco sauce and vodka until they vomited.

Let's see, anal rape by a hooker builds character, how exactly? I'm just curious. Other "character building" activities forced upon 18yo pledges at Nebraska included....

-leap-frogging each other around the fraternity house while being pelted with ice, wet paper towels and toilet paper by older members in an exercise called “Busy as a Bee.”

-standing staring at the ceiling while older members shouted obscenities at them for two hours. Fraternity members called the exercise “character building,” and older members were usually intoxicated.

-being forced to sleep together with the windows open. At midnight, older members entered and began yelling and throwing ketchup, ranch dip, dill pickles, full beer cans and other food items.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming the fraternities entirely. The kids who ask to be members knowing they'll have to do this stuff are every bit as stupid, maybe stupider, than the practice of hazing itself. Maybe, as my friend says, there are fraternities who don't haze. If that's the case then I have no problem with it. All I know is that when I was in school in the early 80's, every fraternity and every sorority routinely hazed pledges during hell week with "character building" nonsense like this that included prostitutes, alcohol sickness, serious injuries, and in some frats, serious drug use and branding. If there is a reader who can justify putting up with treatment like this in order to make friends and business contacts, please enlighten us.

Their parents must be proud.

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