Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daniel Hannan speaks truth to power

Here's Daniel Hannan representing Great Britain in the European Parlaiment ripping Gordon Brown a new one for doing the same things in the UK that Bush did, and now Obama is doing here in the US. I would pay good money to see a republican stand up in Congress and give this speech to Obama's face....

With Obama's ridiculous, race-based popularity, the feckless media ready to destroy any dissenters, and republicans compromised and rightfully shamed from having supported Bush's squandering of the budget surplus, nobody has the balls to stand up to Obama but, it would sure be satisfying to hear somebody do it anyway.

Plus, this guy's a better speaker without a teleprompter than The One is relying on a teleprompter to tell him what to say.


  1. That is on of the best speeches I've ever seen. I would pay money to watch any member of our congress to speak as such. I've only seen Mr. Hannan for 3 minutes and 28 seconds and I'm a fan. We need more, much more of these people in the U.S. and in the world.

    This guy has obviously read "Atlas Shrugged".

  2. How cool would it be for him to one day be PM of the UK? His speeches have quite a Youtube following. You should check others out.

  3. Did you see who this guy said he would have voted for in our Presidential election?

  4. Yeah, Ron Paul. Interesting.

  5. If Obama is successful in pushing America too far left too fast, the backlash may lead to a Ron Paul-type candidate getting elected. I can't say I wouldn't vote for him over a lot of other guys.

  6. I DID vote for him in the primaries so disgusted I was with McCain on the southern invasion.
