Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Under the Hope-n-Change Bus, it's standing room only

It's getting pretty crowded under The One's bus. His campaign has a hair trigger for throwing people under it, when it comes to embarrassing The One. Obama's white grandma, Jeremiah Wright, the list goes on and on of people who just for a second embarrassed the Messiah. Now we can stuff Gov. Bill Richardson under there too. When it was discovered that Gov. Richardson, the putative Commerce Secretary, was under investigation for operating a pay-to-play scheme back home, he withdrew his name for secretary. But that wasn't enough for the Obama transition team. They have been floating the idea that Richardson intentionally misled them, even lied to them during the vetting process.(Apparently Team-Obama's vetting process consists of a fill-in-the-blank questionaire followed by cocktails).

There's not a shred of loyalty with Team-Obama. The second you become a perceived political liability, they trash you in the media in order to protect the driven-snow purity of the Messiah.

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