Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Harry Reid hypocritically forces Constitutional Crisis

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid displayed staggering hypocricy when he judged Roland Burris unfit to be a Senator for no reason other than his loose association with Rod Blogojovich. The US Constitution clearly states that if a person is a US citizen, a resident of the state he represents, and over the age of 30, he may serve his state in the US Senate. There are no Constitutional provisions for denying a lawfully-appointed man his place in the Senate. Once seated, the Senate may punish or even expel a member for misconduct but, that's not the case here.

If guilt by association is grounds for disqualification for public service, then where were these democrats when Obama's much closer associations with Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezco, Michael Pfleger, William Ayers, Khalidi, and Farrakhan surfaced? Seems to be a bit of a double standard when it comes to The One.

Governor Blago hasn't even been indicted of a crime, much less convicted. He's got every right to appoint any qualified person to fill Obama's Senate seat. Hopefully, the dispicable Harry Reid will have over-reached his powers and will be humiliated when Roland Burris gets sworn into the Senate.

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