Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Religion of Peace approves of child rape

Read this and then try to tell me the Religion of Peace is one of the world's great religions and not a hellish cult populated by depraved child molesters.....

Saudi Arabia's most senior cleric has told followers it is permissible for ten-year-old girls to marry and anyone who think they are too young are doing the youngsters 'an injustice'.

Abdul-Azeez ibn Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaikh, the country's grand mufti, said: 'It is wrong to say it's not permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger.

'A female who is ten or 12 is marriageable and those who think she's too young are wrong and are being unfair to her,' he said during a Monday lecture.

You and I both know what he meant when he said(in bold above), "doing the youngsters".

Apparently 10 year old little girls aren't the only things perverted Imam's lust after.

Lest you people think I'm being unfair to main-stream, moderate Muslims, scour the internet and see how many Muslims come out and denounce the marriage of grown men to 10 year old little girls. You won't find any. By keeping quiet, they are as guilty as the depraved perps themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Disgraceful.

    Poor kids powerless to do anything about it!
