Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The arrogance of The One

The arrogance of Barack Obama is as breathtaking as the cost of swearing him in....

Barack Obama's inauguration is set to cost more than £100m making it the most expensive swearing-in ceremony in US history.

The President-elect will take less than a minute to recite the oath of office in front of an estimated two million people in the US capital next week.

But by the time the final dance has been held at one of the many inaugural balls the costs for the day will be a staggering £110m.

By contrast, the inaugurals of both Bush and Clinton cost about $10million each of taxpayer money. For our personal messiah, Obama, we taxpayers are on the hook for ten times that. The ridiculous thing is that he thinks he's worth it.

If it's not the TV images of Obama voters in attendance lying worshipfully prostrate before their personal lord and savior, it'll be the fawning zealots in the media kissing his ass. Honestly, I'm not sure I can sit through it without heaving. Should be easy to get a tee-time though.

I wonder how many dishonest democrats will call in sick on Tuesday rather than take a vacation day from work in order to watch the all-day coverage? Or even more preposterously, how many will demand to be given a paid day off for the event?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure those wondering where their next mortgage payment is coming from won't be too pleased at the unnecessary expense!
