Monday, January 26, 2009

Kennedy's case of N.I.M.B.Y.

The lion of the Senate, Ted Kennedy, is a proponet of wasteful and inefficient alternative energy like stupid windmills, that is as long as nobody sticks a wind farm in Cape Cod that would spoil his family's view from their tastefully decorated, multi-million dollar compound. As long as it spoils somebody elses view, then that's OK....

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama's enthusiasm for alternative energy is being buffeted by two political forces on opposite sides of plans to build the nation's first offshore wind farm off Cape Cod.
A leading foe of the $1 billion project is Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., an early and influential backer of Obama's presidential bid. A strong proponent is Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a close friend of Obama and a source for some of his best campaign speech lines.

It's highly indelicate of me to point out the obvious but, Obama and Deval can wait a while and Kennedy's opposition will no longer be a problem.

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