Saturday, January 03, 2009

From the ridiculous, to the absurd...thanks GWB

With the economy in shambles, portfolios diminished, jobs losses on the rise, etc., Americans are being asked, check that--forced, to do with less and change our spending habits to weather the bad times. If we are expected to spend less because we have less to spend, why aren't the state and federal governments expected to do the same?

After bailing out Wall Street and the U.S. auto industry amid warnings of a deep recession, Uncle Sam now is being asked to chip in $1 trillion over two years for states facing severe budget shortfalls.

In what Constitution does it say that big-spending states have claim to my tax dollars in order to finance the stupid things that got them in bad shape to begin with? If my family must make do with less, why sholdn't the government curtail it's spending too? Heaven forbid politicians should do without vote-buying cash.

Once again, we are witness to the hastening demise of freedom and responsibility as an unfortunate, unintended consequence of Bush's lurch toward socialist, wealth-redistribution policies. Once the democrat governors line up for their slab of other peoples' money, the republican governors will jump in too. Where does this bailout idiocy end? Is nobody responsible for their own stupid decisions anymore?

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