Saturday, January 03, 2009

CNN---scraping the bottom of the barrel

Kathy Griffin's potty mouth is appropriate for Vegas but, not to host a live-TV, New Year's Eve show.....

Comedienne Kathy Griffin may be doomed to life on CNN's S-list after answering a heckler with a shrieking, vulgar tirade during the network's live New Year's Eve broadcast.

"Screw you," she told the heckler. "Why don't you get a job, buddy?

Of course there's more but, it's way too blue for this PG blog. You can catch the unedited version on YouTube or pretty much anywhere.

The point is that this is what CNN has been reduced to in order to get ratings, making Anderson Cooper play setup guy for Kathy Griffin's filthy jokes on live TV.

Hopefully she'll follow the paths of other no-talent dregs in the entertainment industry who embarrass network execs to the point that they can't find work, and we'll hear about her being spat out the bottom of the porn industry in a couple of years.

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