Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Welfare State cometh.....thanks Bush

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I remain adamantly opposed to the moronically emotional bail-out bill. Bush has ushered in the era of big-government care of businesses, just as FDR ushered in the era of big-government care and control of Americans' lives with the New Deal. Both are disasters! FDR's New Deal created a dependent class of lazy, shiftless Americans, clamoring to be awarded other peoples' wealth as insurance against their bad decisions, just as Bush's bail-out has created a class of hand-out businesses, clamoring for insurance against their own bad financial decisions...

WASHINGTON - The bailout is now the hottest lobbying game in town.

Insurers, automakers and American subsidiaries of foreign banks all want the Treasury Department to cut them a piece of the largest government rescue in U.S. history.

The betting is that many with their hands out will be successful, especially with financial markets in a stomach-churning dive and predictions the economy is about to tumble into a deep recession.

Honestly, I find this dispicable! If mortgage banks cannot resist pressure from the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Barack Obama, and ACORN to issue mortgages they know are worthless, then they deserve to go bankrupt. No American's earnings should be committed by force of government, to reward banks whose managers knowingly drove the company into what should be, by law, bankruptcy.

Moreover, that every troubled company and state in America is now running like starving children to a food give-away, to lobby congress for a slice of taxpayer cash is abhorrent! There should be no, NO lobbying allowed for this money. But craven politicians cannot resist free, exotic, family vacations, huge, "anonymous" campaign donations, and other fabulous cash and prizes from lobbyists to direct seized taxpayer earnings to their clients.

I swear, the corruption in Washington is mind-boggling! And this financial collapse has exposed it for all to see, but nobody's pointing it out or suggesting anything be done or changes be made...unbelievable!


  1. I love how Democrats make this bailout mess the fault of Republicans. Although, I'm beginning to believe they're all the same.
    We all know about the Democrats who are in that pile of poop up to their eyes, but then we also have McCain saying about cutting spending - he's going to be tough! - he's going to veto any pork that comes across his desk! ... right after he voted to spend $750 bil.
    How can we believe that?

  2. I believe McCain had a weak moment and got caught up in the emotional, Chicken-Little fever to "do something...anything" to fix the crisis. Pelosi, Reid, and Bush were determined to ram the bailout down our throats, and bypass all the hesitations that are built in to the legislative process on purpose. I think it was a politically expedient thing to do during an election run.

    Now, what that does is leave McCain's economic-leadership instincts entirely open for debate. Who needs a band-wagon President? Historically, he has been good on ear-marks though, when he's had a chance to stop and think for a minute.

    I think he'll cut taxes across the board and fight tooth and nail with the democrats on cutting spending.
