Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama's plans for America

Once the liberal media deliver their personal messiah to the White House, the disassembly of the Constitution and everything this country stands for will begin in earnest. Among the utter disasters The One will force down the throats of Americans is The Global Poverty Act and the Workers Wage Insurance Act.

As if American taxpayers aren't forced to enrich, at the point of a gun, brutal dictators, corrupt UN officials, and hopeless causes around the world already, Obama has introduced the GPA. It would force American workers to fund, to the tune of $845billion over 6 years, poverty relief mostly in Africa, and it is to be overseen by none other than the dispicable United Nations.

Next up in Obama's laundry list of ways to socialize America, is the utterly moronic Wage Insurance Act. Basically, if you are a lazy, good-for-nothing, degenerate(read: reliable democrat voter), and you don't feel like working much, you can take a lower paying, and easier, job, after which other taxpayers will be forced by the government to pay you up to 50% of the difference in the two salaries.

This is the tip of the iceberg folks. If Obama is installed by the media into the presidency, our nation will change dramatically for the worse. In Obama's socialist utopia, there will be three classes of Americans. Lazy wards of the imperial state(these are the people who'll vote for him this year), the endentured laborers like the rest of us that provide the fabulous cash and prizes that Obama doles out to them, or the elite ruling class like Obama, who oversee it all and to whom the rules for everybody else don't apply.

If on November 5th, you wake up to giddy media types singing praises to their personal lord and savior, President Obama, then you'd better figure out a way to fall off the grid entirely or you'll become a servant of the State too.

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