Monday, October 13, 2008

Plundering the productive class

Democrats never miss an opportunity to increase government dependence by handing out goody bags filled with earnings, stolen from the successful class, to shiftless degenerates, i.e. democrat voting base.

WASHINGTON (AP) - After consulting with Barack Obama, Democratic leaders are likely to call Congress back to work after the election in hopes of passing legislation that would include extended jobless benefits, money for food stamps and possibly a tax rebate, officials said Saturday.
The bill's total cost could reach $150 billion.

With Pelosi and Reid in total control of congress, and Obama in the White House, there'll be no stopping the democrats from raiding the wallets of every achiever and producer in America, and forking over their plunder to the tax-free dependent crowd in exchange for votes.

I wouldn't fear an Obama presidency so much if the GOP controlled at least one branch of congress. Bush frittered away his opportunity when republicans controlled both houses but, you can bet Pelosi, Reid, and Obama will waste no time railroading us with liberalism and wealth redistribution for at least two years.


  1. The passage makes it sound like Obama already won. I mean I understand that it is most likely that he will win, seeing as how McCain practically endorsed him, but they can't make blanket statements like that can they?

  2. I think Pelosi and Reid are frothing at the mouth thinking of the possibilities before them to run the country that they hate into the ground, unimpeded by troublesome republicans.

    At this exact time before the election in 2004, Kerry had a likely delegate lead over Bush of 298-235 or something. The polls don't mean anything seeing as how the media conduct the polls and they are hard-core Obamaniacs.

  3. Oh I don't believe the polls a bit. I will only believe the polls in November.

  4. Mind explaining the abbreviation GOP?

  5. It stands for Grand Old Party. It's the nickname for the republican party.
