Monday, October 13, 2008

The MSM double-standard

I wonder if the media will cover this scandal involving married Florida democrat Tim Mahoney, the way they obsessed over republican Tim Foley.....

The affair between Mahoney and Allen began, according to the current and former staffers, in 2006 when Mahoney was campaigning for Congress against Foley, promising "a world that is safer, more moral."

I suspect that the media will shrug and look the other way. They have every intention of hand-delivering the presidency to their lord and savior Obama, and nothing, nothing will be allowed to rock that boat. Short of slaying, dismembering, and BBQing a small child in front of cameras, Barack Obama can count on the full, enthusiastic cooperation from his gushing sycophants in the media. They'll report this story but, it'll be a quickie footnote right before a commercial break.

If you have learned nothing from this election cycle, learn this: never trust a single source of information, especially when the source is the MSM. The MSM has abandoned all pretext of ojbectivity and neutral reporting in favor of outright, unapologetic cheerleading for democrats. You cannot trust any, any MSM reporter or reporterette as far as you can kick them.

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